Welcome To The Challenge!

I would like to invite you to grab a copy of the Down In Your Heart Ebook and Journal.


You may have heard that it takes 30 days to create a habit and with this journal we’re trying to create a Happiness Habit! This journal will help you record your thoughts and progress as you make the choice to be Happy making happiness an integral part of your life. At the end of each day ask yourself the questions, write down your answers and don’t forget to include any thoughts you might have concerning your quest to happiness.


Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.

-Abraham Lincoln

This ebook is all about happiness. We’re going to dig deep and dive into the motivation of and science behind the pursuit of happiness. I have to warn you. This isn’t a step-by-step guide to help you become happier with exercises along the way. This also isn’t a collection of motivational quotes, inspirational affirmations, or warm and fuzzy stories.

Instead, you’ll find a lot of solid background information about what it takes to increase happiness in your life.

The information in the chapters of this ebook will give you a good foundation to understand how and why exercises and affirmations work. You’ll find motivation and a fresh perspective on what it takes to grow JOY in your life. Most importantly though we’ll take a look at how and where happiness affects you. You’ll learn how it can influence your mental and physical health, how becoming happier can benefit both you and those around you, and why happiness is a choice we make one decision at a time.

Of course you’ll also find some actionable information, backed by science like how the foods you eat affect your mood. Having all this information at your fingertips will help you not only understand the pursuit of happiness better, but also map out your own journey to a happier, more joyful version of yourself.

I hope you grab this ebook and take the information to heart. Come back to it whenever you feel down, or need a little motivation and inspiration to work on improving the happiness in your life.

Click Here To Get The Journal and Ebook for Just $17