I want to chat with you on Zoom. 🙂

I have chosen to focus this year on interviewing 100 entrepreneurs and I would love to chat with you. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out or have been working online for years.

Watch my video about it all here:

I’m so serious about chatting with you that I’ve hired a wonderful lady to help me focus on this project, it truly means a lot to me.

Why do I want to do this? 

Well… I want to understand what you need from me better.

I have been in business forever… I had 5 retail stores by age 24 and now I just turned 46 and totally looking to fine tune my online business so I’m only working on things that make a difference to you.

I want to get to the heart of things. 

Would you like to chat with me? This is just you and me, I’m not selling anything, just a nice conversation about you and your business. And hey, maybe I can help you in the conversation with something you’re stuck on.

All you have to do is enter your best email address below:


Let’s make 2021 a year to remember because we did the hard work together.

